This sweet little owl is named Edgar and was handmade by a friend of mine! I decided to bring him with me to the UK as my travel companion/garden gnome and is likely to appear in place of myself in most of my 'tourist' shots as traveling with a tripod is inconvenient and photographing oneself in public is a bit embarrassing.
I named him Edgar on a whim--it was just the first name that cam to me when I saw him--but I found out yesterday that the first King of a united England was Edgar, crowned AD973 at what is now Bath Abbey. How do I do it?
I had a surprisingly late start date of 31 Jan at Bath Spa, so I was lucky enough to be able to spend almost a month in Charleston. Thank you so much to Becca, Nina, Anna (and Eric and Thea), and Ben (and Laura and Jonathan) for giving me rides and places to stay! I loved seeing your faces and spending time with you. I don't know why my writing is so formal right now. I suppose being in England is turning me a bit posh. I've started thinking in this really posh accent and it feels weird to speak because it comes out in plain old american.
Look at me being american in america! I was crazy not to visit the battery or waterfront park while I was there, but I did manage to get down to one of my favorite spots in Charleston--this little lake/park at the end of Bull near the Ashley River.
The thing about Charleston is that I had to leave to figure out just how much I love it there. Massachusetts was great but it lacked radical and academic queers and I didn't really meet anyone who inspired me to activism the way Charlestonians do. And I know I'm going to love England (already formulating plans to live in Bristol before even seeing the damn place), but Charleston:
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